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21/07/2013 - 7 коментарa -
Юри Йорданов: Моята позиция
22/07/2013 - 5 коментарa
100-те дни като семейни финанси. Да е ясно какво стана.
11/09/2013 - няма коментари -
ние не сме луди
11/09/2013 - няма коментари -
Портрет на протеста - АМТВ (видео)
11/09/2013 - няма коментари
Какво четем
Сайтове и лични блогове, които силно препоръчваме:
- The spirit of protest in Brazil and Turkey has now swept into Bulgaria
- Bulgaria protesters block parliament in Sofia unrest
- A President in the trenches
- Bulgaria protests are an indictment against corruption
- Call on DC for diplomatic isolation of Bulgarian government
- Protests target politics of business
- Protests gearing up for September
- Street protests: Failure and success
- Seven weeks of street protests
- Why Bulgaria's protests stand out in Europe
- A Bulgarian spring? Challenging the status quo
- Investigate police violence at protest
- Police break up protesters’ blockade of parliament
- Government unlikely to last long
- Anticorruption protests turn violent
- Bulgaria protesters block parliament in Sofia unrest
- A new face for European dissent
- A new face for European dissent
- The spirit of protest in Brazil and Turkey has now swept into Bulgaria