The mission of the Antigovernment press center is to publish accurate and objective information about the antigovernment protests that started after Oresharski’s government appointed Delyan Peevski, a controversial MP, businessman and media mogul as head of the National Security Agency. We belive active citizen efforts are the only way to cure a media monopol and a corrupted government, and we work towards it.
The information in this site is free to use and redistribute. We would like to kindly ask our colleagues in the media to credit or the Antigovernment press centre when citing or redistributing the information published on this website.
The team behind the website consists of experienced media professionals working pro bono for the bulgarian society. We do not have any sponsors or political backup. We’ve all worked in different types of media and media circles and right now we dedicate our free time to the cause of not letting the government structures interfere in the way that bulgarian media covers the protests.
We strive to work together for a better Bulgaria. We believe that’s possible!
The Antigovernment Press Centre Team
Coordinator: Nikolay Staykov
E: [email protected]
T: +359888258730