Interview by Ivaylo Krachunov, Pik.bg
Delian Peevski commands the Prosecution and the Supreme Judicial Council, announced this morning on bTV the former Minister of Interior Tsvetan Tsvetanov.
PIK.bg asked the MP and media mogul Delian Peevski to comment on the allegations of Tsvetanov and on other hot topics in the country - including his relationship with Tsvetanov and the Chief Prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov.
- Mr. Peevski, Tsvetan Tsvetanov says that you have commanded the prosecution and mentions a meeting with the Chief Prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov you also have attended? How would you comment?
The lies of Tsvetanov have crossed all limits. It is time to stop all this and I will finally talk about this famous meeting in his office from the beginning of last year. Moreover, Tsvetanov`s lies are no longer only affecting because they also seriously affect important institutions. That is why I have to react.
It is true I was there, in the office of Mr. Tsvetanov at the Ministry of Interior, on his invitation. I have been in this office many times over the years. And as we spoke, his secretary called to report that the Chief Prosecutor was there. I offered to leave, but Mr. Tsvetanov insisted that I stay. He said I could leave later.
The Chief Prosecutor entered the room and Mr. Tsvetanov started talking to him in my presence without any worries.
Well, what was this conversation about?
- Tsvetanov had two topics. First he wanted peremptorily from the Chief Prosecutor to elect his protegee Asya Petrova as a Deputy Chief Prosecutor. And more precisely he wanted guarantees that the Supreme Judicial Council will let this happen. He said she was very close to him and he really insists on her to be elected for this position. Tsatsarov was supposed to ensure the support of the Supreme Judicial Council…
And the second topic – Tsvetanov insisted Borislav Sarafov not to be chosen for the position in any case. He said he knew him for a long time but he didn’t like him. He’d had personal reasons for that.
What was the reaction of the Chief prosecutor? This is unbelievable pressure!
- I noticed that the Chief Prosecutor didn’t like this at all. But Tsvetanov continued with another request. He wanted Tsatsarov to cover an investigation from Macedonia against judge Rumiana Chenalova…
- This is the judge of the “Octopod” case, right?
- Yes, indeed. Tsvetanov said he really values this judge and she must work on the “Octopod” case. At that moment I had the sense that Tsvetanov had some kind of a deal with this judge. On this request the Chief Prosecutor directly refused and said he couldn’t do it. It was obvious that this really irritated Tsvetanov. From this moment I said “Goodbye” because the meeting was turning to be really awful.
- You said you have met regularly with Tvetanov during the years. What were the reasons for this. Did he want something from you?
- Mr Tsvetanov often asked for meetings with me in his cabinet, but also outside. We have met at different places during his ministry mandate. His request, I will say it directly, was to use my media as a cover for a few chief criminals, that were close to him and Stanimir Florov.
- Who are these chief criminals?
- For example Kiro Iaponetsa (“the Japanese”) and Iosko from Sliven (sentenced drug boss), who has been a great support for GERB during the elections. But these are just part of the names he asked me to cover for.
- And what, did you agree to create this media cover?
- Yes, now with regret I should confess - I have assisted in this.
- A few days ago from the “Legia Anti mafia” NGO have announced that Tsvetanov had a plan for your tapping and even your assassination. Have you received such information?
- I am sure I was wiretapped by Tsvetanov and I have noticed an illegal tracing a few times. Look, I am obligated to share these facts to be clear to the society what kind of man is Tsvetan Tsvetanov, what plans he had and for what purposes he has used his position as Minister of Interior. Tsvetanov used his power in the government to put pressure on certain people, including me.