Government Staff Will Be Fired, If They Take Part in Protests
The Bulgarian government will fire any state worker, who takes part of the anti-government protests. This is…
The Bulgarian government will fire any state worker, who takes part of the anti-government protests. This is…
On the 22nd of September, 2013, the Bulgarian nation marked the anniversary of its independence. In the…
German: | Die Regierung Orescharski На български от | За правителството на Орешарски Spanish:…
Kit Gillet, McClatchy Foreign Staff (original published at McClatchy Washington Bureau) “…Belonging to the European Union is…
Boyan Rashev* (the original text was published in Dnevnik daily) Beginning of July I sent this text…
Bulgaria’s peaceful protests might provide a new model for discontented Europeans seeking to engage their governments. Julian…
Bulgaria’s PM Plamen Oresharski has been accepted unusually cold at the 14th of July reception at the…
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