A special one-time-blast campaign on Thunderclap.it will start on 4th of September to support the anti-government protests in Bulgaria. It will spread the message throughout all social networks thus reaching hundreds of thousands of people. Everyone with a Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr account could join with no registration and share the cause. The message will appear simultaneously on the early hours of 4th of September, when the parliament of Bulgaria resumes work after a summer vacation.
Here is the full text of the message of the campaign:
On June 14th 2013 Bulgaria experienced something for the first time in its modern history – over 10 000 came out in the rain in demonstration. On June 14th 2013 the Bulgarian government appointed a villain as head of the Bulgarian Secret Services, by changing the law before that to make this possible.
On June 14th 2013 Bulgaria saw a miracle – the people woke up from apathy. The demonstrations continued day after day, and the number of protesters steadily grew.
Along with that the insolence of the governing class grew as well. While we protested they kept appointing one villain after another. Even convicted ones.
For the past two and a half months we experienced a lot in our protests. We were imposed with the guilt of dividing the people,; we were charged with the accusation that we tried to replace one mafia with another; we were laughed at to want resignation without knowing what comes next; we were spitted at to make the police work overtime; we were even beaten several times by police forces by higher command, but they and we still continued to peacefully handshake. But for the last two and a half months we achieved something much greater. We achieved national unity and realized the moral strength of the united people.
It takes one more step to victory in this tiresome battle – to receive the resignation of the morally corrupted government. We envision that dream on September 4th 2013.
That is why we turn to all of you with a plea for support. Support us wherever you are now. The hashtag and slogan of our protests is #DANSwithme. Dance with us for resignation on September 4th. Make a picture or a video and post them in the social networks or YouTube.
We want to show that Bulgaria peacefully wants RESIGNATION and that we have the world’s support for that.
P. S. DANSwithme is a word-play with the name of the Secret Services in Bulgarian, and the peaceful and non-violent nature of our protests, where people flood the streets with dances, drums and songs, with children and dogs, to say that enough is enough. Mafia can rule no more.